CIPM CSR Award to Fulfil HRM Dreams of Rashmi Nimesha
- Daily Mirror – 17.09.2022
CIPM Sri Lanka – the nation’s leader in human resource management, recently awarded a full scholarship to Rashmi Nimesha Gunawardhana, who obtained 3As in the GCE Advanced Level Commerce stream from the Eheliyagoda Central College.
The total scholarship worth Rs. 358,000/- awarded to Rashmi Nimesha, a student with special abilities, will enable her to follow the CQHRM (Chartered Qualification in Human Resource Management) career pathway starting from ACHRM (Advanced Certificate in HRM), DPHRM (Diploma in Professional HRM), and CIHRM (Chartered Intermediate in HRM) and become a Chartered HR Professional. She will also receive the prestigious CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel Development) UK student membership when she enters the Chartered final stage. The scholarship was awarded under CIPM’s CSR category upon learning of Nimesha’s dream to advance in human resource management.
“We are delighted to assist this bright young student in fulfilling her dreams of advancing herself in the field of human resource management with this full scholarship to follow CIPM’s flagship professional qualification. CIPM’s CSR initiatives always aim to make a difference in the community by encouraging people with special abilities to achieve their future dreams and career aspirations with passion,” said Ken Vijayakumar – President, CIPM Sri Lanka.
The scholarship was presented to Rashmi Nimesha, who was present with her parents on the 4th of September at the CIPM Auditorium alongside the Certificate Awarding Ceremony for 400 HRM Students who completed the Diploma in Professional HRM.