Privacy Policy - CIPM Sri Lanka
Copyright © 2018 - 2021 CIPM Sri Lanka. All Rights Reserved.

Privacy Policy

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Scope of Privacy Policy

While the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (hereinafter referred to as “CIPM”), incorporated under the Institute of Personnel Management, Sri Lanka, Law, No. 24 of 1976, and amended by the Institute of Personnel Management, Sri Lanka (Amendment) Act, No. 31 of 2018,thanks you for visiting its website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”), CIPM requests you to read this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) carefully to understand CIPM’s policies and practices regarding your personal data and how CIPM deals with same. This Policy stipulates how personal data of visitors to the Website are collected, used, and disclosed by CIPM. It also addresses how you can access and update your personal data and make certain choices about how your personal data is used, and shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website.
This Policy covers both CIPM’s online and offline data collection activities, including personal data that CIPM collects through CIPM’s various channels including but not limited to the Website, apps, social media, third party systems and websites, and by other online means.In the event CIPM is unable to provide you with CIPM’s services, or otherwise respond to an inquiry made by you due to the insufficiency of any personal data provided to CIPM, CIPM shall not be obligated to provide you the said information until the personal data CIPM requires is received by CIPM.

      1. Sources of Personal Data

This Policy applies to personal data that CIPM collects from or about you, through the methods described in Section 2 below, from the following sources:

1) The Website or its subsites – which include websites (including mobile apps) operated under CIPM’s own domains/URLs and mini-sites that CIPM may operate
on third party social networks/platforms.
2) Interactions via electronic communications between CIPM and you (including text messaging), including subscription for any newsletters or other notifications of
CIPM.3) Offline registration forms – which include printed or digital/electronic registration and similar forms that CIPM collects via various means, either directly or indirectly.
4) Interactions with CIPM’s advertisements, including if you interact with or respond to an advertisement of CIPM on a third party website, pertaining to which CIPM
may receive information.
5) Anything you post on the Website or other websites pertaining to CIPM or CIPM’s services or anything else relating to CIPM.
6) Data from other sources like third party platforms or social networks, market research (if not provided on an anonymous basis), third party data aggregators,
CIPM’s promotional partners, public sources and data received when CIPM provides services to other parties.
7) Data CIPM compiles, which include personal data about you like information on your transactions on the Website, or in the course of CIPM’sinteractions with you.

       2.  Types and methods of Collection of Personal Data

Further to numerous ways of communicating with you, CIPM collects various types of information from you, as follows:

1) Personal contact information provided by you to CIPM;
2) Account login information required to log into any account on the Website;
3) Your demographic information and interests;
4) Information from and relating to computer/mobile device and its operating system/software you use to access the Website, including your device’s internet
protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer or device to the internet, web browser type and version, geographic location, and other mobile device data, etc.;
5) Websites/communication usage information CIPM collects using automatic data collection technologies to collect certain information about your actions like links you
click on, pages or content you view and the length of time you viewed same, and other similar information and statistics about your interactions – for which CIPM may use
automated technologies like cookies and web beacons, and third-party tracking for analytics and advertising purposes. Your rights relating to such technologies shall be
as per Section 3 herein;
6) Any information that you voluntarily share with CIPM about your experience of using CIPM’s services – via market surveys (carried out by CIPM or other parties) or

7) Any content that you create and share with CIPM on third party social networks or by uploading it to the Website.
8) Any information that you share publicly on a third party social network or information that is part of your profile on such third party social network. CIPM may receive your
third party social network profile information (or parts of it) each time you download or interact with a CIPM web application on such third party social network, each time
you use a social networking feature that is integrated with the Website or each time you interact with CIPM through a third party social network.
9) Payment and financial information CIPM collects which CIPM requires in order to complete a transaction, or that you use to make a payment, like your debit or credit
card details or other forms of payment. CIPM does not seek to collect or otherwise process sensitive personal data in the ordinary course of CIPM’ business. In the event CIPM does so, it shall be with your express consent. If CIPM process your sensitive personal data for other purposes, it shall be done in compliance with applicable law.


1) CIPM use cookies and similar technologies and permission provided by you, and define the purposes for which CIPM uses them.
2) CIPM collect information in the form of log files that record Website activity and gather statistics about your browsing activity. These entries are generatedautomatically, and aid CIPM in troubleshooting errors, improving performance, updating information on the Website, and maintaining security of the Website.
3) The information collected via web beacons, including information like IP address, and information about how you respond to an e-mail campaign (e.g. at what time
the email was opened, which links you click on in the e-mail, etc.). CIPM uses web beacons on CIPM’s Website or may include same in e-mails CIPM sends to you.
Web beacon information is used by CIPM for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to, site traffic reporting, unique visitor counts, advertising, e-mail auditing and reporting, and personalisation.


The following Sections describe the various purposes for which CIPM collects and uses your
personal data:
1) Service related purposes, including responding to your enquiries;
2) To inform you about CIPM’s services, Subject to Section 9 below which stipulates
how you could select your preferences in this regard;
3) To :
i) to communicate with you;
ii) to analyse your preferences and habits;
iii) to anticipate your needs based on CIPM’s analysis of your data/profile;

iv) to improve and personalise your experience on the Website and apps;
v) to ensure that content from CIPM Website/apps is optimised for you and for your computer or device;
vi) to provide you with targeted advertising and content;
vii) to allow you to participate in interactive features, when you choose to do
viii) for other general business purposes like maintaining any account you have created on the Website or via an app, and conducting internal or market
research and measuring the effectiveness of CIPM advertising campaigns. CIPM reserves the right with regard to any such account, to collate same into a single account.
ix) for recruitment purposes where you have applied for employment with  CIPM or submitted your biodata/curriculum vitae/resume.x) For purposes of registration for courses of study conducted by CIPM, or otherwise assessing suitability of applicants for such courses.


Your personal data may be disclosed by CIPM to the following parties.
1) Authorized third party service providers who are only allowed to access and use your personal data on CIPM’s behalf for the specific tasks that they are requested
to carry out, based on CIPM’s instructions, and are subject to confidentiality obligations.

2) Third parties using personal data for their own marketing purposes.
3) Parties to whom CIPM may provide services.
4) Courts of law, regulatory or other Government authorities which request for your personal data.


In accordance with applicable laws, CIPM may use your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes same was collected for, or to comply with applicable legal


CIPM uses appropriate measures (described below) to keep your Personal Data confidential and secure, except where you have opted to permit CIPM to share same
publicly online or otherwise. The personal data CIPM receives shall be subject to the following.
1) Personal data will be processed by CIPM’s authorised staff/employees, consultants, auditors, legal advisors, or agents - on a need to know basis.
2) CIPM follows reasonable security standards to protect personal data from unauthorized access. While all possible measures will be taken by CIPM to secure
personal data while being transmitted, due to the security of the internet being beyond CIPM’s control CIPM cannot guarantee the security of personal data
during transmission through the Website and apps.

3) While you are required to make use of any privacy settings or controls CIPM provides in the Website and CIPM’s apps, your responsibility to protect your login
credentials to any accounts in the Website or such apps shall be as per the Website Terms and Conditions of Use.


1) In certain circumstances, CIPM will not be able to delete your personal data without also deleting or deactivating any user account you have. CIPM may be
required to retain some of your personal data after you have requested deletion, to satisfy CIPM’s legal or contractual obligations, or in keeping with CIPM’s
internal policies. However, such personal data will be kept confidential.

You consent for your personal data to be used by CIPM to promote CIPM’s products or services. If you decide that you no longer wish to receive certain communications, you
may unsubscribe from receiving such communications at any time, by following the instructions provided in each such communication. However, CIPM reserves the right to
continue to send you other important non-marketing related notices without seeking your prior consent.

CIPM shall be entitled to change anything in this Policy at any time. Any such change will be incorporated hereto by making available an updated version hereof.